The role of rapid auxin responses in plant morphogenesis

The major experimental focus of the team is on finding how the rapid auxin effects regulate morphogenesis of plant organs. We want to understand the molecular details of auxin signaling in Arabidopsis. We study the dynamics of cell wall pH, calcium signaling and auxin signaling during key morphogenetic events in Arabidopsis and in the grass Brachypodium distachyon. We want to uncover how cell wall pH is controlled during morphogenesis.

Funding: ERC Consolidator grant MORpH (September 2024 – 2030), collaboration with Hobza group.

From structural domains to protein networks: Phosducin PhLP2 in plant development 
The putative signaling protein Phosducin-like 2 has a severe impact on Arabidopsis development. By untangling its protein interaction nodes, we want to reveal the molecular network in which this fascinating protein functions. Funding: Czech Science Foundation 24-12107S, 2024-2026, collaboration with the Pleskot group.
How auxin inhibits root growth?
Gravitropism of roots depends on auxin and its ability to quickly inhibit cell elongation. We discovered a novel branch of the auxin perception machinery and we are trying to understand the molecular details of the pathway. Funding: ERC Starting grant CELLONGATE (2019 – August 2024)
Advanced live-cell microscopy and microfluidics
We are proud about our custom-build vertical-stage spinning disk microscope that enables us to study the plant behavior in gravitational field. Together with the team of Zdenek Slouka (VSCHT, Prague), we develop and produce novel microfluidic devices. By using these, we can analyze the reaction of plant organ to a plethora of treatments in a very high spatio-temporal resolution.